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Welcome to
CMC Carmelodaya Province 

"You did not imitate; You did not Compete But You were a challenge of the time With a Mission and Vision And You are Planted" RT. REV. DR. JANUARIUS PALATHURUTHY CMI . Carmelodaya who came to light on 13 Feb.1989 is grown to a mature tree, spreading her branches far and wide, bearing much fruit for her Lord. He allowed her to pass through deserts; but He was with her. He raised His glory in her before the people; she responded to it wholeheartedly. God's ways are so wonderful and mysterious. He leads each person, holding her right hand in order to accomplish His design in her. In this journey there are moments when she halts and glances at the path which she has tread. She tries to see the glorious deeds of the Almighty who formed her life.  Praise Be to Jesus Christ

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Sr. Philo CMC

Provincial Superior

Our Founders

St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara was the recognised leader of the people of God of his time. He was a visionary who integrated contemplation and action harmoniously in his life. Adorned with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, this man of God led a holy life preserving the baptismal grace all the while, and thus became a beautiful lamp and mirror not only for us but also for all the Christians of Kerala. 

Rev. Fr. Leopold Beccaro,an Italian Carmelite Missionary was a man of deep prayer and zealous action. He studied Malayalam language and wrote spiritual books imbued with the zeal to work for the salvation of souls, to help them practice virtues, to tend his flock and to give them spiritual direction. He found joy and consolation in the Blessed Sacrament and remained content even in the midst of sufferings, surrendering himself to the will of God.

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Our Saints

St Euphrasia Eluvathingal was an Indian Carmelite nun of the Syro-Malabar Church, which is an Eastern Catholic Church in Kerala. Euphrasia is said to have had a vision of the Holy Family, at which point the illness she had long felt ceased. She was canonised as a saint by Pope Francis on 23 November 2014 in Vatican City. Saint Euphrasia is a humble CMC nun who has personalized the prayer heritage of Carmel and lived according to the divine inspirations and rose to the heights of sanctity. For all of us who are called to be the beloved of God that is to be saints (Rom1:7), the spirit-filled life of St. Euphrasia is an example and to take a peep into her holy life would be proper and useful.

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Mother Mary Celine was born on 4th July 1906, to Ouseph Payyappilly and Kochumariam as seventh child in Muzhikulam. She had her education in the Govt. school at Vattapparambu and became a CMC sister in 1928. She did her B.A. in Maharajas College, Ernakulam. She was a teacher in Ollur, Karukutty. In 1963, the different wings of TOCD(at present CMC) got united into one Congregation. She was elected first as the Superior General of Ernakulam and Kothamangalam Provinces and then the Superior General of the whole CMC Congregation. Her intense deep prayer life, spirit of sacrifice and foresight enabled her to overcome the difficulties and struggles of unification and the beginning of the Central House Generalate at Thaikattukara, Aluva.

Field of Apostolates

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Faith Formation

“But for this purpose, have I let you live, to show you my power,so that...

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Captured by Jesus the unique and compassionate teacher...

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Healing Ministry

After the example of Jesus the great healer, sisters in the healing...


Social Work

Through the apostolate of social work we are continuing...

Abstract Background

Carmelodaya in a Glimse


Higher Secondary School


High Schools


U P Schools


Nursery Schools


House in Kerala

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Image by Eric Mok

“Be happy in your hope, stand your ground when you’re in trouble, and devote yourselves to prayer.” — Romans 12:12

Let's Images Talk The Stories

Church Aisles
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Carmelodhaya Province, Wardha

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We will tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and His Might, and wonders that He has done. Carmelodaya steers the life of many who are part of it or is associated with it. 

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Nagpur, Wardha
Maharashtra, India


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